Fresh, thoughtful journalism and creative works produced by students
of the School of Art, Communication and English at the University of Sydney.

Podcast: Heaven in the Present

Heaven in the Present is an interview-based podcast about the joys and calamities of giving and receiving gifts. Each episode unwraps a different gift story to explore ‘what is it about this ritual exchange that is so uniquely human’? The podcast draws from aspects of personal narrative journalism; the voices of interviewees are interwoven with a familiar host narration to ground each story. Heaven in the Present takes an intimate look at how gifts can hold so much: the good, the bad and the downright wacky.

Episode 1: A gift and a curse

Not every gift is the fulfilling, shiny improvement to our lives we wish it to be.Nikki recently recovered her sense of smell after 20 long, scent-free years. But what first appeared to be the greatest gift soon turned out to be a bit of a stinky curse.

The things we keep from those no longer with us can hold so much meaning, no matter how silly or insignificant the item might be. Viv and Trish were best friends for more than 30 years. Their story is one of adventure, loss and a travelling hat. Through their story, we learn how gifts from those we have lost can sustain us.

Heaven in the Present is an interview-based podcast about the joys and calamities of giving and receiving gifts. Each episode unwraps a different gift story to explore 'what is it about this ritual exchange that is so uniquely human'?


Sophie Ellis
Sophie Ellis
Sophie Ellis is a recent graduate of Bachelor of Arts (Media and Communications) at the University of Sydney and a Producer at 2SER Radio Sydney.

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