Fresh, thoughtful journalism and creative works produced by students
of the School of Art, Communication and English at the University of Sydney.

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Review: Arlington, Enda Walsh

Walking into the Seymour Centre’s cosy Reginald Theatre, the audience is immediately transported to an eerie dystopian world. Low synthesised music hums in the background....

Sirius and the Moon

「如果你是一個星體,你覺得你會是什麼?」 星願, 闡述的是一對兄妹的故事 。 妹妹從小嫉妒著如天狼星般閃耀的哥哥,拚命掩飾自己如月亮坑洞的缺陷 。 是哪些經歷喚起了妹妹對嫉妒的反思,理解親情的可貴,逐漸走向釋懷? 月亮與天狼星,陰暗與光亮,如何不再區別彼此,共享同一片天際? 本節目將透過兄妹的對話,以哥哥化療的心路歷程及妹妹的視角,講述一段兄妹親情糾葛與和解的故事,希望能為正在與嫉妒心或人生低谷搏鬥的你,帶來一些慰藉和啟發。   "If you were a celestial body, what do you think you’d be?" “Sirius and the Moon” tells the story of a brother...